Educational videos supporting INVOLVE – a flexible and fully-featured app making volunteer management easier.

The Brief
Volunteering WA is the peak body for volunteering in Western Australia, working across community, government, corporate and education organisations to build the capacity of volunteer involving organisations and provide support to the volunteering sector. There have been significant changes to the volunteering sector in recent years with digital volunteer management solutions now a necessity. INVOLVE is a fully-featured app making volunteer management easy. Volunteering WA was keen to ensure all users of INVOLVE were fully supported. NeonLogic were engaged to create training videos and resources targeting volunteer involving organisations and volunteer resource centres to demonstrate how to effectively manage volunteers through the online platform.
What We Did
NeonLogic created a suite of engaging tutorial-style videos showcasing the functionalities of the app, available on the INVOLVE website. At any time users can follow the step-by-step tutorial videos and system demonstrations to set up their volunteering programs, assign volunteers and effectively manage their volunteer programs. The Introductory Video housed on the INVOLVE website homepage, is shared with prospective customers to provide an outline of the key features and benefits of INVOLVE, while the four System Overview Videos are designed to be instructional and informative.
NeonLogic drew on the INVOLVE brand features of bold colours, playful fonts and cartoon-style characters. Clever scriptwriting and dynamic animations were used to bring the INVOLVE story to life, making the videos modern, fun and engaging.
Messaging features INVOLVE’s tagline, ‘Your volunteers. Your way.’ and focuses on INVOLVE being an all-inclusive volunteer management program that makes tracking, planning and mobilising volunteers seamless and easy.
We also created a selection of social graphics to support the launch and distribution of resources relating to INVOLVE across social media.
To view the other videos we created in the series please head to our YouTube channel.