OSF Digital - Recruitment Campaign Concept and Candidate Prep Pack
When recruiting tech professionals in a particularly tight candidate marketing, compelling messaging in a creative format was required to demonstrate to in-demand talent why they should join OSF Digital.

The Brief
Define and create an EVP compelling enough to attract highly niche and in-demand talent, and bring it to life through an innovative candidate ‘prep pack’ for recruiters to use.
What We Did
Following a briefing session with NeonLogic’s Creative Director, and a review of OSF’s talent competitors the idea of “Digital world. Real people” was born – a creative and eye-catching visual concept, displaying work notifications to convey the career benefits on offer, while personal notifications highlight the personal flexibility and focus on work/life balance that the organisation promotes.
The Results
An engaging candidate prep pack is a useful tool for the talent acquisition team to use when first engaging with prospective candidates, providing all the in-depth information they would require to choose OSF Digital as an employer of choice, alongside helpful tips for the recruitment process