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June 5, 2024

2 min read

Council Communications Webinar

Craft marketing and talent strategies tailored to your council’s requirements

In 2024, local governments will need to take their marketing and communications game to new levels to get the cut-through needed to engage with audiences, and to attract and retain the best talent. Good content comes from well thought out, robust strategy that starts with research. At the heart of content is video, with its power to engage and forge meaningful connections.

NeonLogic has teamed up with industry video leaders, Shootsta, to demystify effective marketing and talent strategy and how your council can take advantage of the power of beautiful, head-turning, heart-stealing video. We reveal insider insights, share time-tested techniques, and connect you with industry experts brimming with a wealth of experience creating successful strategies.

Click here to watch the video now!

What you’ll learn
  • Gain an understanding of how to craft marketing and communications strategies tailored to your council’s unique requirements
  • Practical tips and the framework in undertaking research in order to develop your strategy
  • Discover the marketing model and relationship between marketing goals and customer journey steps
  • Learn about the different types of content, when they should be used and why video is such a powerful way to reach and connect
  • Understand the importance of the candidate journey in talent marketing and the power of video in talent attraction
  • Discover the ever-evolving landscape of video communication and its applications for local government
  • Hear creative storytelling tips from video production experts – Shootsta
  • Listen to firsthand accounts of how our expert strategies have contributed to the success of various councils.

About Shootsta

Our video partner Shootsta stands out as a global company dedicated to empowering organisations to produce high-quality, professional videos at scale efficiently. By streamlining the video creation process, Shootsta has emerged as a preferred solution for companies and councils seeking to leverage the impact of visual storytelling in their communication strategies.

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