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April 17, 2024

3 min read

Producing An Impactful Annual Report For 2023/24

With the end of the financial year fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about preparing your Annual Report for 2023/24.

Your Annual Report is one of the most important documents your organisation will publish, so it is important to invest time and resources to get it right and make it as impactful as possible.

NeonLogic has vast experience working with organisations in the government, private and not-for-profit sectors to prepare accurate, well-crafted and visually stunning reports in time to meet your tabling requirements.

Using our Bright Thinking methodology, the process we would undertake to help you develop your Annual Report includes:


We look at any advice issued to the market by regulatory or government agencies to ensure compliance, and help you map out a timeline for report delivery.


Content editing

We edit your content including revising and rewriting content, including moving entire paragraphs, adding new content to fill in gaps or deleting original content and restructuring it to improve flow and clarity.

Copy editing

We look at the style of you content and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation, consistent with your style guide, to ensure consistency, clarify meaning and improve readability.


We proofread to identify any spelling, grammar, punctuation, style and formatting errors and ensure all changes from other steps have been included. We read the draft report to make sure the content flows well, each section and paragraph makes sense and adds value to the report. We make sure that no text errors have slipped through during the editing process.


We work with you to structure the document to maximise its readability and impact.



We consider design elements such as:

  • Text. The text should be readable and appealing to the eye. We generally recommend using black text colour, along with a range of text styles and heading levels.
  • Figures, tables and images. We ensure that any figures, tables or images add value to the report narrative. We include sources, captions and any relevant notes with images and tables.
  • Video and story-telling. We think carefully about how to embed video and story-telling into your Annual Report to ensure it resonates with your stakeholders and employees.
  • Financial statements. The finances are a key part of your Annual Report. They are normally supplied to us in Excel or PDF format, to ensure the accuracy of information. These pages are placed into the document exactly as they are supplied and generally are not formatted in the same way as the rest of the Annual Report.
We provide you with two design options, showing how we would layout your information and use images to maximise impact. Once the design direction is agreed, we get on with laying out your report in the template we have designed.

We incorporate all your edits along the way and provide you with a full draft to review.

Once finalised and proofed, we provide you with a final high-quality PDF for printing, distribution and uploading (we provide an interactive version for upload).


Once your Annual Report is published, we sit down with you to find out what worked well and what could be improved. We document this review and provide it to you, so it can be used to inform the process in the following year.


In summary, NeonLogic can help you produce an Annual Report that:

  • Informs your stakeholders, customers, investors, employees, suppliers, regulators and the public about your organisation’s achievements, challenges and plans for the future.
  • Demonstrates accountability and transparency to your stakeholders.
  • Enhances your reputation and credibility as a responsible and trustworthy organisation that delivers safety, value and quality.
  • Showcases your commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and how your activities align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Celebrates your successes and milestones and acknowledges the contributions of team members.
  • Inspires and motivates your team and partners to continue working towards your vision.

Ready to get your 2023/24 Annual Report going?

Contact us to arrange an e-meeting to discuss your needs.

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